King’s Quest VI AGI Demake
A fan-made AGI re-creation of Sierra On-Line’s King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

DISCLAIMER: Activision holds all rights to King’s Quest. This game is in no way associated with Activision. It is entirely fan-made, and has been made without permission. It is free of charge. This work is in no way a true or accurate representation of the original Sierra On-Line application. Certain application resources have been explicitly borrowed from pre-existing copyright Sierra On-Line software.

This game is a ‘demake’ of Sierra On-Line’s original ‘King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow.’ The original game was released in 1992, and featured 256 color VGA graphics and a point and click interface. This demake re-creates the original game using Sierra’s older AGI game engine from the 1980’s. It features 16 color graphics and a typing interface.
This game was created by Brandon Kouri. It took about 18 years to produce (2006-2024). It was made for anyone who loves King’s Quest VI, the AGI game engine, text parser adventure games, or anyone looking for a nostalgic blast from the past!
This game was assembled and compiled using AGI Studio. Game resources were created and edited using WinAGI GDS. Certain graphics and sounds were directly extracted and borrowed from copyright Sierra On-Line games from the 80’s and 90’s. A full list of credits for both this game, and the orignal game can be found in the ‘About’ section during gameplay.
How to Run this Game
Once downloaded and unzipped, check the game’s README.txt file for more information on how to run this game.